Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Recovery

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Recovery

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Recovery Northern Virginia | FairfaxEyelid surgery refers to the process of removal of loose or saggy skin around the eye. The beauty of the eyes often starts to lose its charm as one starts to age. This aging process causes lose folds of skin that make the eye appear droopy and heavy-lidded. In extreme cases these loose folds of skin can even impair vision. Thankfully, due to the latest medical advancements made in the field of plastic surgery, it is possible to successfully remove the excess skin or fat from the eyelids through eyelid surgery called blepharoplasty.

Is blepharoplasty right for you?

If you desire a youthful appearance for your eyes, Eyelid surgery can be a blessing for you. It works not only to provide a rejuvenated look to your eyes but is also helpful to protect your vision from the ill-effects of loose and saggy skin on the eyelid or around the eye. Blepharoplasty  is also commonly referred to as eyelift surgery. This surgery does not lift but rather removes unwanted skin from around the eye.

Under the expertise of Dr Trang Vo-Nguyen fondly referred to as Dr.V, this surgical option can provide a new life to droopy and saggy eyelids, rendering a fresh and youthful look. Dr V is a board certified facial plastic surgeon with vast surgical experience. Her services can be availed at multiple locations including Chantilly, Loudoun County, Prince William, Leesberg, Northern Virginia, Fairfax, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, and Warrenton. If you are looking for relief from droopy eyelids, bags under the eyes, wrinkles and crow’s feet then blepharoplasty  is the right option for you.

The road to recovery

The popularity of blepharoplasty is mainly because of its short recovery time. Most patients ease back into their routine seven to ten days post the surgery. Initially, in some cases, swelling, bruising, irritation and dryness may be observed. Ointments and medications will be prescribed to treat the same.

The results will be visible after several weeks, but it may take up to a year for the incisions to fade out completely. While blepharoplasty vouches for the removal of certain conditions permanently, aging is  is inevitable. Life-long sun protection is necessary to maintain the results of the surgery.

Opting for any kind of facial surgery is an important decision and not one that can be taken lightly. It is therefore, necessary to find a surgeon you can trust and share your anxieties with. It is a good idea to  get relevant information on the procedure before you make the final decision to go in for blepharoplasty . Dr. V has extensive experience in this area and is very sensitive to the many apprehensions of a patient and elicits confidence in her patients.

For any further or questions and information you may get in touch with Dr Trang Vo-Nguyen practicing at the Virginia Institute of Surgical Arts who is available to her patients in various locations including including Chantilly, Loudoun County, Northern Virginia, Prince William, Fairfax, Fauquier, Arlington, , Leesburg, Middleburg, Manassas, and Warrenton and surrounding areas.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Cost

Eyelid Surgery Blepharoplasty Cost Northern Virginia | Loudoun CountyYouth is the best period of our lives, no wonder it is called the ‘golden times’. Before we know it, the rude reality of aging crashes into us like a bus out of control! Nothing shows age like the fine lines, puffiness and bags around the eyes. There is a deluge of home remedies, over the counter medication, herbal concoctions that promise the reversal of aging. You can’t help but be a cynic and doubt the effectiveness of any of these fixes. If there is a sure-shot solution to ‘vanish’ the signs it has to be cosmetic surgery. Eye lid surgery known as blepharoplasty is gaining popularity over the last few years. It is a cosmetic surgery procedure where the fine lines, puffiness and under eye bags are surgically removed.

The first step towards ‘aging backwards’ starts with a consultation:

It is of utmost importance that the patient is candid with the surgeon to ensure the success and safety of the procedure. Before you seek the touch of the ‘magic wand’ that takes you back to your best, it is imperative that you are clear about your expectation and the realistic outcome of the procedure. There are certain potential risks associated with Blepheroplasty; it is the patient’s choice to decide if these are passable. Be sure to consider all the possible liabilities. The surgeon will discuss the same.

If your intent for the surgery isn’t wavered, prepare yourself to answer a number of questions ranging from ‘why the surgery is required’ to lifestyle habits such as medications and tobacco use. Once you have decided to undergo surgery, the procedure including the type of anesthesia will be discussed to the minute detail. A routine health check-up may be under carried to evaluate any associated health risks. To maintain the medical records the surgeon may also take photographs. Most importantly, the outcome of the eye lid surgery will be deliberated.

Time to lay the ground work

Before the surgery a round of lab tests or medical evaluation may be carried out. A list of precautionary instructions such as avoiding certain anti-inflammatory drugs and a few life style changes ought to be complied. Special instruction explaining the procedure, the do’s and don’ts before the surgery and post-operative care will be given.

Cost of the surgery

The cost varies depending on the type of procedure, the doctor’s experience and the office location. The surgery is priced around $2,818(on an average) exclusive of the anesthesia or other related expenses. The total cost includes surgeon’s fees, medical tests, hospital fees and prescription. In some cases, patient financing plans may be offered by the doctor. Although health insurance does not cover cosmetic surgery, in a few cases of eye lid surgery may be covered by insurance.

Dr Trang Vo-Nguyen, a well known board certified plastic surgeon, has clinics in Middleburg, Chantilly, Prince William, Northern Virginia, Fairfax, Fauquier, Loudoun County, Leesburg, Manassas, Arlington and Warrenton. Any of the listed places can be visited for a consultation.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Overview

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Northern Virginia | Fairfax | Loudoun CountyEyes are the window to one’s soul! Our eyes, the most precious organ, are ironically the most delicate ones. With all the stress our eyes go through due to lack of sleep, sun damage, peering under low light, excessive computer use, it is but natural for the region around the eyes to show the first signs of aging. There are plenty of anti-aging creams, skin firming topical preparations and home remedies too, that promise to turn the clock back! Even though, the market is filled with such products, you can’t help but wonder if these solutions are a reality or a ruse! The most promising and guaranteed solution to reverse aging is eye lid surgery.

What is eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery, clinically known as blepharoplasty, is the third most preferred cosmetic surgery according to a survey conducted in 2012. This surgery aims to improve the appearance of the eyelids. It can be done either on the upper eyelid or the lower eye lid or in some cases on both. The popularity of this procedure is mainly because of its minimal risk and short recovery time. In this procedure, correction of the droopy upper eye lid and the puffiness on the lower lid is done by removing excess skin, fat and muscle surrounding the eye. Apart from its aesthetic aspiration, blepharoplasty also corrects functional problems, if any of the eyelids. It is an inexpensive surrogate to a face lift.

The expected result

•    The fine wrinkles and droopiness of lower lids are hardly visible

•    Excessive, lose or sagging skin which creates folds on the upper lid impairing vision is reduced

•    Puffiness and bags around and below the eye due to fat deposits are completely removed

Who can undergo this surgery?

•    Healthy adult men and women with no serious eye conditions

•    Individuals with healthy facial muscle and tissues; and no history of any life threatening illness that can hamper healing.

•    The patient must be a non-smoker

Making the decision

This surgery can be performed on any adult male or female with healthy facial tissue and facial muscles. It is also important to be well informed about the surgery and have a realistic expectation from the surgery. You will be considered to be a good candidate for blepharoplasty if you are not suffering from any medical condition that can impede the healing process. If you have an eye-condition or other health concerns, it is important to inform your doctor before you consider this surgery.

Inform the doctor if you suffer from any of the conditions listed below:

•    Eye diseases: Dry eye, glaucoma or a detached retina

•    Thyroid disorders –under or over reactive thyroid

•    High blood pressure or other cardiovascular diseases

About the doctor:

Dr Trang Vo-Nguyen is a board-certified facial surgeon with medical centers in Middleburg, Chantilly, Prince William, Northern Virginia, Fairfax, Fauquier, Loudoun County, Leesburg, Manassas, Arlington and Warrenton. You can get an appointment for consultation and talk to her about the procedure in detail.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/

Friends Don’t Let Friends Get Wrinkles…



Share the Gift of Beauty this Summer with

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Purchase one area of Botox for $300 and your friend’s area of Botox is fabulously FREE.  You receive complimentary skin care products or credit towards your next procedure.  

Friends shouldn’t let friends get wrinkles!  

Be a sharing friend.  Call for details.   

Must be a candidate for procedure as determined by Dr. V

BOTOX® treatments involve injections in small doses in the areas where temporary weakness or paralysis of a facial muscle is desired. During your treatment, Dr. V will inject a small dose of BOTOX® directly into the muscles that are responsible for creating your wrinkles. Click here to learn more…


BOTOX® treatments involve injections in small doses in the areas where temporary weakness
or paralysis of a facial muscle is desired. During your treatment, Dr. V will inject a small
dose of BOTOX® directly into the muscles that are responsible for creating your wrinkles.



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RESERVE FRAXEL treatments NOW to enjoy HUGE 25% Discount for Series of 4 Full-Face Treatments! To be performed during the fall. 
Must be a candidate for procedures as determined by Dr. V.
In the past, wrinkles have signified a life filled with laughter and memories but today people
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Shouldn’t Your Injections be Performed by a Facial Surgeon?

In many cases cosmetic injections are performed by medical assistants and/or nurse injectors who didn’t go through the years of training understanding the full anatomy of your face.  All to often non-surgeon injectors are quickly trained or perform the same “template” type technique on every face when each individual’s anatomy is very different.  A Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon, like Dr. V, has years of specific training on all the structures, muscles and nerves of the face and is able to sculpt optimal results for each individuals needs and goals.  Schedule your consultation today with Dr. V for you next injectable appointment.  Click here to learn more about what sets Dr. V apart…


Call to Schedule Your Appointment with Dr. V

703-327-8200 or Click Here

*Some restrictions apply, ask for details.  Offers expire August 31, 2014.  Limit one item per patient and offers may be pre-purchased for later use.  Offers good while supplies last or schedule permits.  Offers may not be combined with any other discounts, incentives or promotions.  Patients must be candidates for service, procedure or product as determined by Dr. Vo-Nguyen.

Fraxel Laser Skin Resurfacing Before and After Photos

Fraxel Laser Skin Resurfacing Before and After Photos

Fraxel before and after photosFraxel before and after photo

Fraxel laser skin resurfacing is one of the most effective and proven non-surgical procedures to reduce the signs of aging. A range of Fraxel treatments are available to suit the needs of different people. Dr. V provides state of the art Fraxel treatments to her patients in Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and surrounding communities. She provides the patients with Fraxel before and after photographs during the initial consultation to help them make an informed decision about the treatment.

What are Fraxel Before and After Images?

Before and after images with respect to Fraxel laser skin rejuvenation procedure refer to a set of pictures belonging to a previous patient who has received the treatment successfully. The set includes images taken before the procedure and after the procedure at a time when complete effects of the treatment have settled in. The pictures are taken with the consent of the patient, and the goal of the treatment provider is to educate new patients about various aspects of the procedure through these pictures.

The pictures are an effective way to describe the potential effective of the treatment. It serves as a visual tool to help the patient understand what the procedure can or cannot for them. Dr. V makes use of before and after images during the initial consultation for her patients in in Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and nearby areas.


Fraxel range of procedures includes aggressive treatments such as Fraxel Re:pair, less aggressive or non-ablative treatments such as Fraxel Re:store as well as combination treatments such as Fraxel DUAL. For a new patient, it can get difficult to decide which of the treatment approaches may be most suitable to meet their aesthetic needs.

This is where the treatment expert can use Fraxel before and after photos very effectively to help the patient make an informed choice. Different types of skin problems may be addressed with different Fraxel treatments. If ‘before and after’ photos are available for various types of skin concerns, they can be used during the initial consultation process.

Keeping Realistic Expectations

Best satisfaction from any surgical or non-surgical aesthetic procedure can usually be achieved when the patient has clear aesthetic goals, positive frame of mind, and realistic expectations. A new patient may not always understand clearly what the Fraxel treatment can or cannot do for them.

If the patient forms false expectations, it could result in disappointment later on for no fault of anyone. Such unsavory situations can be avoided if the treatment provider makes use of Fraxel before and after photographs.

Online Digital Photos

Some practices may choose to provide the Fraxel before and after images on their official website. This allows free online access to anyone who may like to review the pictures. New patients can see the photos in the privacy of their home or office even before they decide to visit the practice for a consultation.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/

Contact Us Virginia Institute for Surgical Arts

South Riding Professional Square
25055 Riding Plaza, Suite #140
Chantilly, VA 20152
TEL: 703.327.8200

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