Facelift Surgical And Non-Surgical Options

Facelift Surgical And Non-Surgical Options

Facelift Surgical And Non-Surgical 

Cosmetic Facelift Surgery | Non-Surgical  Arlington | Manassas | Middleburg | Prince WilliamAs we age, facial atrophy is lost and skin loosens, leading to sagging skin and wrinkles. During early days of facial reconstruction, only surgical methods were possible but with advancements made in facial fillers, people are increasingly opting for these procedures. Signs of aging are most visible on the face in the form of wrinkles and loss of facial volume which gets enhanced due to exposure to sun. Experienced facial cosmetic surgeons in Northern Virginia will examine skin conditions and elasticity before advising surgical and non surgical options to restore facial volume and reduce wrinkles.

Surgical Facelift Options

Surgical facelift procedures in Loudoun County like elsewhere around the world have undergone technical improvements through the years and are now able to restore youthful appearance to face within a short recovery period.

Cosmetic surgeries to improve eyes

Age related issues like baggy eyes and ptosis related droopy eyelids in which the upper eyelids droop over the eyes, can be improved with brow lift surgery and also blepharoplasty.  These invasive surgeries require skill and expertise of a surgeon like Dr Trang Vo-Nguyen who knows exactly where the incisions have to be made for wounds to heal quickly.

If the patient has fat deposits around the lower eyelids, then plastic surgeons from Fairfax will perform delicate surgery by removing the skin flaps around the eyes and spreading it around the cheekbones to give it appropriate shape and volume.

Surgical facelifts 

All parts of the face like eyes, lips, nose, ears, cheeks and forehead can be reconstructed to achieve the desired look. Though face loses volume only with age exposure to the environment like sun and dust can reduce its glow and lead to appearance of spots and wrinkles. Facelift surgery in Leesburg and Manassas also involves inserting artificial fillers under the skin surgically to give volume to cheeks that are very hollow. To remove sagging skin around neck and jowls, combination of procedures like liposuction and neck lift surgery is used to give the face its natural contours in Prince William.

Non surgical face lift

There are non-surgical face lifts to reduce wrinkles that can help you look several years younger and also provide advantage of less expensive surgical method along with lesser complications and quicker recovery.

  • Procedure One – Liquid facelift involves injection of natural fat fillers to improve facial volume and make the skin appear taut over facial bones. During this facelift procedure. dermal fillers like Juvederm Restylane or Perlane are injected under the skin which does not require much downtown time. The result of this procedure in Chantilly is not very long lasting as no grafting is carried out to make the results more permanent.
  • Procedure 2 – Skin tightening through heat treatment is referred to as “thermage skin tightening” which renews skin’s collagen. Under this method, radio frequency energy is delivered to different areas of the face to heat collagen and contract it, in order to tighten the skin. Since you will not require long rest after this procedure due to its non invasive nature and can return back to work within hours in Arlington.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/

Who Is Administering Your Botox? Why Credentials Matter


Botox Fairfax | Warrenton | Fauquier | Arlington | Manassas | MiddleburgFacial treatments require skill and experience and a patient should check all credentials of the doctor thoroughly before undergoing any procedures. There have been horror stories in the past about uneven lips, droopy eyelids and other disasters when inexperienced doctors administer injections. Though a Botox procedure is considered among the simplest of procedures to achieve a youthful look, things can go wrong if the Northern Virginia based doctor operating the procedure does not have knowledge about facial muscle layout.

Any doctor with a medical license can become certified to inject face fillers like Botox and others after a short course. But these medical practitioners are not experienced in administering these injections as it requires extensive knowledge of human anatomy and facial structure. The main goal of Botox is to relax facial muscles and clear fine lines and give your eyebrows a subtle lift.

Advantage of Botox administration by experienced surgeon

When you have an experienced doctor with complete knowledge of facial reconstructive surgery like Dr Trang Vo-Nguyen, you can be assured of optimum results as the procedure is carried out in safe medical environment.

An experienced doctor knows exactly where to insert Botox solution and how much to inject to have the desired result. Since our face has an extensive network of muscles and nerves for carrying out various functions, if injections are even an inch or two beyond the desired vein, it can lead to a worse situation than before as it can disfigure the face.

When your visit the clinic of an experienced doctor like Dr Trang Vo-Nguyen,  you will be given detailed information about how the procedure will improve your appearance and also skin care products that will help you retain the results for a long time in Chantilly.

How to choose the right doctor for Botox

Botox treatment is not like surgery so sometimes doctors allow their assistants to administer the injections which can lead to complications as they do not have enough knowledge of the human anatomy. Patients seeking Botox treatments in should seek out doctors who are members of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons for perfect results. These doctors are board certified as they have complete knowledge about facial anatomy and can perform such surgeries successfully.

An experienced plastic surgeon will evaluate your skin quality and appearance of wrinkles on the face to plan a reconstructive procedure which will restore it to youthful glory. The main aim of Botox procedure is to soften wrinkles around the face and not to make the facial muscles immobile. That is why skill and experience is critical for success in Middleburg and elsewhere.

When seeking a surgeon for Botox injections, ask detailed questions about their past experience in these procedures and success rate. Check out the references and testimonials yourself given by the doctor to confirm if he/she is as skilled as their claim. All Botox procedures in Prince William, Leesburg, Manassas and elsewhere in Northern Virginia are not permanent and you have to renew the treatment every four months. That is why it is important to find an experienced doctor that can recommend the right treatment cycle for you.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/

Eyelid Lift Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Options

Eyelid Lift Surgery (Blepharoplasty) 

Eyelid Lift Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Northern Virginia | Leesburg | Loudoun | FairfaxAdvancements in plastic surgery have reduced the risk of scars and other complications, leading to an increase in demand for plastic surgery procedures to improve facial imperfections and blemishes. To remove wrinkles around the eyes and to give them a natural contour, an intricate surgical procedure called blepharoplasty is performed by experienced plastic surgeons in Northern Virginia.  The high success rate of this procedure has led to its growing popularity within United States and now it is among the top five plastic surgery procedures.

Blepharoplasty options available today

Every patient seeking a surgical procedure to improve the area around the eyes will have unique skin type with different needs and expectations . It depends on the Chantilly doctor to suggest the best procedure for you to achieve the desired look and improve vision in case of excess skin on upper eyelids.

  • Lower eyelid blepharoplasty – This procedure is performed on the lower eyelid to remove eye bags and wrinkled skin from the area. Sometimes the fatty layer from eye bags is spread over the cheekbones to soften hollow cheeks.
  • Double eyelid surgery – This surgery is most popular among East and Southeast Asians as they have smaller eyelids. During this procedure Dr Trang Vo-Nguyen will create a crease in upper eyelid to give it a double lid appearance.
  • Upper eyelid surgery – Some elderly people have droopy upper eyelids due to disease like ptosis which makes it lose its normal elasticity. Inversion of eyelids can lead to loss of vision over a period of time if not rectified immediately. When this surgery is carried out by a skilled surgeon like Dr Trang Vo-Nguyen for patients in Loudoun County, she will perform the delicate procedure be removing excess skin and attaching remaining parts of the eyelid.

Potential risks of eyelid lift surgery

Like all other types of invasive surgical procedures, even blepharoplasty has post surgical complications that can affect patients. These include infection, scarring, abnormal eyelid position, and in extreme cases, even loss of vision. Most patients complain of dry eye after the procedure and you have to be careful about the usage of recommended eye-drops in Fairfax and Warrenton.

Details of eyelid surgery                                                      

Before the procedure, patient are given anesthesia to numb the area along with oral sedation. The Prince William surgeon will separate skin from excess fat and muscle and close all cuts with small stitches after performing the surgery. In general the cuts for blepharoplasty will not be visible as these are made inside the eyelid. When brow lifts are done in combination with fat removal in Leesburg, it will help the patient achieve symmetrical balance with one single operation.

Conditions after surgery

Since the area around the eyes will be swollen and bruised, a person who has undergone eye lift surgery in Manassas can return to work within a fortnight. Reading can also be resumed within a couple of days though one might experience irritation and eye dryness. Plastic surgeons in Arlington advice their patients to refrain from strenuous activities like driving and swimming until eyes  heal properly .

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/

Contact Us Virginia Institute for Surgical Arts

South Riding Professional Square
25055 Riding Plaza, Suite #140
Chantilly, VA 20152
TEL: 703.327.8200

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