Drooping Eyelid Ptosis Surgery

Drooping Eyelid Ptosis Surgery

Drooping Eyelid Ptosis Surgery | Chantilly | Arlington | MiddlesburgUpper eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is a key procedure to correct the condition of droopy eyelids. It usually involves removal of excess upper lid skin and fat, and tightening of the underlying muscles to produce a more alert, youthful eye appearance. However, sometimes the surgery may be required to also correct the underlying condition of ptosis.

Dr. Trang Vo-Nguyen (Dr. V) is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing both cosmetic and functional surgery for drooping eyelid conditions to patients in Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and surrounding locations.


Functional Eyelid Surgery

Upper eyelid ptosis surgery is slightly different from cosmetic eye lift procedures. Ptosis surgery is designed to lift the position of the upper lid margin by tightening the muscle and tendon that are normally involved in elevating it. Cosmetic blepharoplasty may be used when the heaviness of the excessive skin is weighing down the upper lid, so it can be corrected with removal of excess skin.

However, when the ptosis or upper lid droopiness occurs due to aging or medical reasons, a functional eyelid surgery will be required. The procedure can be performed at a surgical center on an outpatient basis, and it is usually completed in about one to three hours. Complete recovery and final results will be established in about four to six weeks after the surgery.


Procedure to Correct Muscular Ptosis

Muscular ptosis may occur in children or may be acquired later in life as the muscle tends to sag due to aging or other factors. If the levator muscle has some strength remaining, the condition can be corrected by performed levator resection or tightening of the levator muscle. When the muscle is first tightened, the patient may not be able to blink normally. However, the condition will improve over time and normal closing of the eye can be performed.

If the levator muscle is extremely weak, the muscle tightening will not be enough to raise the lid sufficiently. In such case, a frontalis suspension is required. In this procedure, small strands will be placed between the eyelid and eyebrows. The strands are then tightened to raise the lid. This procedure will allow the patient to comfortably raise and close the eyelid as well as raise and lower the brows.

In case of adults, a frontalis suspension is performed using a strand of solid silicone, but in case of children, fibrous tissue is used so that they can easily close the eyelids after the procedure. Experienced facial plastic surgeon Dr. V receives patients from Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and nearby areas for drooping eyelid procedures.



Following the surgery, the eyelid will have some swelling, and the vision will be blurry for some time. The patient should keep the head in elevated position and use cold compresses frequently in the first two or three days to mitigate the swelling. The treated eyelid will initially appear stiffer than normal, and the eye will feel dry. The surgeon will prescribe a lubricating ointment to provide relief from these temporary side effects.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/

What are the Symptoms of Eyelid Drooping?

What are the Symptoms of Eyelid Drooping? | Chantilly Plastic SurgeryEyelid drooping typically occurs in the upper eyelid, and may affect one or both eyelids. If left untreated, it can adversely affect the vision. In many cases, the condition of ptosis or eyelid drooping will be barely noticeable, or will come and go intermittently. Therefore, it is critical to know the symptoms, and seek medical attention in a timely manner.

Dr. Trang Vo-Nguyen (Dr. V) is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing surgical and non-surgical treatments for eyelid drooping to patients in Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and surrounding locations.


Common Symptoms

If the condition of sagging eyelid occurs only one side (unilateral), it becomes easier to notice because of the obvious difference between the eyes. Congenital ptosis will be present at birth, and the symptoms may be barely noticeable in the beginning. Even among adults, sometimes the symptoms are more or less prominent, depending on the severity of the condition.

The most common sign of a drooping eyelid is that the person will experience a limited field of vision or partial vision obstruction. Over time, this condition may also produce excess tears in the affected eye. The patient suffering from ptosis will often find it difficult to keep their eye open. They may typically tilt their head back or repeatedly raise their eyebrows in an effort to lift the droopy eyelid.

When the patient is tired, the drooping usually becomes more conspicuous because the muscles fatigue. While many patients will have watery eyes due to ptosis, in some cases, the affected eye may become extremely dry. The patient’s face also looks tired or weary.

Some patients complain of aching around the eyes, which can also make them appear tired. In more severe cases, the patient may tend to tilt their head back at all times when speaking, even while having a normal conversation. The treatment provider will also assess symptoms such as migraines or other issues that may indicate any underlying conditions as the cause of eyelid drooping.

In most severe forms of ptosis, the vision can be completely obstructed because the upper eyelid sags so much that it tends to cover the pupil. Experienced facial plastic surgeon Dr. V receives patients from Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and nearby areas for ptosis treatments.


Dry Eye Symptoms

If the one or both eyes constantly feel dry, sandy or gritty, the patient may be suffering from dry eye, which could be caused due to drooping eyelids. Other symptoms include sore, irritated or red eyes, and difficult in wearing contact lenses. Sometimes the eyes may become watery due to dry eyes because the body produces excessive tears in response to the dryness.


Watery Eye Symptoms

Constantly watering eyes may occur due to drooping eyelids. While the body naturally produces tears to keep the eyes lubricated, but too many tears may be the result of conditions such as ptosis. A medical professional will determine the cause and recommend appropriate treatment to address the symptoms.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/

Causes and Risk Factors of Eyelid Drooping

Causes and Risk Factors of Eyelid Drooping | Chantilly Plastic SurgeryEyelid drooping may occur due to various possible causes ranging from natural causes to medical conditions and trauma. A medical professional will be able to determine the cause of ptosis, and advise appropriate treatment.

Board certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Trang Vo-Nguyen (Dr. V) provides eyelid surgery to correct eyelid drooping to patients in Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and surrounding locations.


Natural Causes

Eyelid drooping can affect anyone at any age, but it is more common among older people because of the natural aging process. Lifting of the eyelid is performed by a tendon that is attached to the levator muscle. As a person ages, this muscle can sag, and as a result the eyelid will tend to droop. However, ptosis is not just caused due to aging, and sometimes even babies and children can be affected by this condition.

Precise cause of ptosis may remain unknown in some cases, while in some cases it may occur due to trauma or neurological problems. In case of congenital eyelid drooping, the key cause is that the levator muscle fails to develop well, impact the patient’s ability to open the eye. Children suffering from ptosis are at a risk of developing amblyopia, commonly known as lazy eye.


Ptosis in One or Both Eyelids

If the eyelid drooping occurs in both eyelids, the chances of an underlying medical condition are higher. But if only one of the eyelids is drooping, it may be due to a nerve injury or temporary swelling or inflammation. In rare cases, routine cataract or LASIK surgery may be the cause of development of ptosis, if the tendon or muscle gets overstretched.

Experienced facial plastic surgeon Dr. V receives patients from Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and other cities across the horizon for corrective surgery for ptosis.


Serious Medical Causes

Serious medical conditions such as brain tumor, stroke, neurological disorders or cancer of the nerves may sometimes causes eyelid drooping.


Myasthenia Gravis

Droopy eyelids can be an early symptom of myasthenia gravis, a rare disorder that affects the ways muscles respond to nerves. This condition can cause progressive muscle weakness, extending not just to eyelids but also to other part of the face and body.


Muscle Diseases

A hereditary muscle disease known as oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy may affect eye motion. In younger people, ptosis may occur due to a group of muscle illnesses known as progressive external ophthalmoplegia. These illnesses can cause ptosis in both eyes and problems in eye movement.


Nerve Problems

Any condition that causes injury to the brain or its cranial nerves may sometimes cause ptosis. This can happen because the eye muscle movement is controlled by the nerves that come from the brain.

Stroke, brain tumor, brain aneurysm, or nerve damage related to long-term diabetes are some of the conditions that can contribute to ptosis. In a few cases, eyelid drooping may occur due to an infection of a tumor of the eyelid, or a tumor inside the eye socket.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/

Eyelid Drooping (Ptosis)

Eyelid Drooping (Ptosis) | Chantilly Plastic Surgery | FairfaxDrooping of the upper eyelid is clinically known as ptosis. This condition can be corrected with eyelid surgery. Dr. Trang Vo-Nguyen (Dr. V) is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing corrective procedures for ptosis condition to patients in Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and surrounding locations.


Pathologic Eyelid Drooping

Ptosis, or pathologic eyelid drooping may occur due to age, genetics, trauma or a medical disorder. In some cases, the lid may droop only a little, while in other cases, it may cover the entire pupil. For some patients, ptosis can obstruct the vision, or even block the complete normal vision. Ptosis may occur in both children and adults.

Ptosis condition may affect only one eyelid, which is called unilateral ptosis, or both eyelids, which is known as bilateral ptosis. In some patients, the condition may be permanent, while in others may be recur intermittently. If the condition is present at birth, it is known as congenital ptosis.


Timely Intervention

In most cases, it is possible to resolve the condition of ptosis through medical intervention or surgery. In some cases, the condition may also resolve naturally over time. Sometimes the condition may develop gradually over the years. Therefore, timely treatment is important so that the problem does not worsen.

Sometimes ptosis is only an isolated problem that will alter a patient’s facial appearance, without impacting their health or vision. In such cases, treatment may help to restore an attractive facial appearance and remove the old or tired look from the eyes.

Patients should note that sometime ptosis can be a warning sign of a more serious health condition. Such health condition may be affecting the brain, muscles, nerves or eye socket. If the ptosis develops fairly quickly, it is more likely to indicate a serious medical problem. Timely medical attention must be sought in such cases to diagnose and treat the condition.


Ptosis in Children

Congenital ptosis in children is often caused due to poor development of the levator muscle that performs the function of lifting the eyelid. This condition generally does not improve on its own over time. Therefore, the child may require treatment to ensure that their vision develops normally.

The most serious problem associated with ptosis in children is amblyopia or lazy eye. This causes poor vision in an eye that did not develop normal sight during early childhood. If the condition is not treated early, it may result in permanent loss of vision later in life. The condition may occur if the eyelid is severely droopy and blocking the child’s vision. Ptosis may also hide crossed or misaligned eyes, which can lead to amblyopia.



While there is no specific way to prevent ptosis or eyelid drooping, it is important to know the symptoms and visit a medical professional when droopiness is noticed. Experienced facial plastic surgeon Dr. V receives patients from Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and other cities in the vicinity for the corrective surgery of droopy eyelids.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/

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Chantilly, VA 20152
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