Fraxel® in Chantilly and Fairfax, VA

Dr. V and the Virginia Institute for Surgical Arts offer three top FDA-approved Fraxel® laser treatments in Chantilly, VA, each suited to resurface and restore a wide range of skin conditions.

What Is Fraxel® Laser?

Mature Female With Minimal Signs of Fine Lines In Her Neck or FaceThose seeking advanced skin resurfacing procedures, such as Fraxel® in Chantilly, can benefit from premier laser therapy at The Virginia Institute For Surgical Arts. Fraxel® emits monochromatic light waves to treat sections of the skin in vertical columns, leaving the skin in between the columns untraumatized. Fraxel® laser treatments are designed to treat between 5-35 percent of the skin’s surface leaving the remaining 65-95 percent to stimulate the production of healthier skin to replace damaged tissue. Because the fractionation is at a microscopic level, it appears as if the whole skin surface has been treated and Fraxel® is extremely accurate making treatments safe for even delicate areas including the neck, chest, and hands. The term “Fraxel” comes from the fact that Fraxel® lasers operate using fractional light technology as opposed to light technology on a uniform plane older CO2 lasers systems used. Fraxel® technology is superior to competing laser treatments because it is able to precisely treat the targeted microscopic areas of the skin using pinpoint laser beams that penetrate the surface to extinguish old skin cells. Fraxel® laser systems deliver the potency of ablative treatments with the gentle safety of non-ablative lasers so you get dramatic results with less downtime.

Fraxel® Laser Science

The medical science behind Fraxel® involves three key components:
  • Epidermis (outer layer of your skin)
  • Dermis (sub-layers of your skin that includes collagen and elastin)
  • Microscopic Laser Columns (rebuilding skin from the inside out)
Networks of collagen and elastin proteins exist under your epidermis and they are responsible for keeping your skin firm and supple. As you age, the proteins break down and Fraxel® laser treatments penetrate deep into your dermis creating tiny wounds that prompt your body’s response system to heal itself. There are many options available to rejuvenate your skin but unlike other remedies that scrape, peel, and cut, Fraxel® laser treatments have been cleared by the FDA to gently and effectively resurface your skin from the inside out. The range of Fraxel® treatments vary in aggressiveness, recovery time, results, and the number of procedures needed. Regardless of the level of skin damage you have, there is a Fraxel® treatment that is right for you.

Understanding The Different Fraxel® Laser Treatments

Female Looking In The Mirror Admiring Her Clear Smooth Skin AppearanceThe Virginia Institute of Surgical Arts, under the direction of Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, M.D. (Dr. V), is proud to offer three of the currently available Fraxel® treatments. Solta Medical, Inc. is a global leader in the aesthetics market and since 2002, almost one million Fraxel® procedures have been performed safely on patients in over one hundred countries around the world. Fraxel® is a proven laser technology for patients who want to reverse the visible effects of aging without the extended downtime and recovery that comes with cosmetic surgery.  Dr. V understands that your genetic makeup and personal history contribute to how your skin looks and feels and she will develop a treatment plan with Fraxel® that fits your specific needs and fits into your busy schedule.

Fraxel® Re:pair® Treatment

The Fraxel® re:pair® treatment is designed for patients in their late 30s-70s seeking treatment for deeper wrinkles and firmer skin without surgery. The newest product in the Fraxel® family, the Fraxel® re:pair® system is the industry’s first and only Fractional Deep Dermal Ablation (FDDA) treatment that leads to tissue contraction, tightening, and collagen remodeling. During an FDDA treatment, the skin is ablated and coagulated in deep columns called Microscopic Treatment Zones (MTZ) and the Fraxel® re:pair laser’s advanced high speed optics can deliver thousands of MTZs making it faster than other ablative fractional devices. The strongest treatment in the Fraxel® family, Fraxel® re:pair is a more aggressive procedure used to treat the most severe signs of skin damage. It is also the only system clinically demonstrated to create zones of treatment beyond 1.5 mm that are spaced evenly across the skin’s surface providing tissue tightening. Fraxel® re:pair utilizes carbon dioxide laser beams to not only diminish wrinkles, smooth rough skin, and improve discoloration: in addition Fraxel® re:pair tightens skin because of the increased new collagen found in the dermis.

Fraxel® Re:fine™

Fraxel® re:fine is the next generation laser therapy treatment that offers an additional choice in non-invasive skin rejuvenation by combining a superficially absorbed laser wavelength with unique fractional technology. The Fraxel® re:fine is non-ablative so the stratum corneum remains intact and the fractionated heat of the laser causes thousands of wounded areas of tissue that is surrounded by untreated skin causing damaged tissue and pigment to be forced up to the surface. The damaged collagen is then replaced by healthier collagen and the untreated skin stimulates your body’s ability to rapidly heal itself. Fraxel® re:fine® provides safe, gentle resurfacing for patients in their 20s-30s who want to prevent or address the first signs of aging with minimal downtime and discomfort. By stimulating the growth of new collagen from the inside out, Fraxel® re:fine® treatment can actually prevent fine lines from appearing helping prevent the signs of aging before they begin.

The Fraxel® DUAL Laser

The Fraxel® DUAL treatment uses patented fractional technology to target damaged skin with microscopic laser columns that penetrate deep into your skin. The Fraxel® DUAL uses two wavelengths so it can treat skin both superficially and in its deeper layers, thus its name. Because it is like two lasers in one, this technology allows Dr. V to treat a plethora of skin conditions and problems. Patients (30s-40s) with fine lines and mild sun damage as well as patients (50s-60s) who have deeper wrinkles and more severe sun damage will benefit from Fraxel® DUAL laser treatments. The Fraxel® DUAL laser treats only a fraction of tissue at a time (leaving the surrounding tissue intact) and this promotes rapid healing because it stimulates your body’s own natural healing process to replace old cells with healthy skin.

What Conditions Does Fraxel® Address?

Female Relaxing After Non Invasive Facial Laser TherapyA Fraxel® laser treatment is a cosmetic procedure that is designed to treat facial skin problems such as lines, wrinkles, damage caused by overexposure to the sun, and scarring from acne. Fraxel® laser treatments not only treat superficial problems of the skin, they also trigger the mechanisms within the skin that naturally fight the signs of aging. When projected into the skin, the laser helps rejuvenate the cells in the tissue stimulating the body to produce more collagen, which is responsible for giving the skin its youthful, resilient appearance.

Fraxel® Re:pair Treats:

Fraxel® re:pair is the procedure of choice for severe skin issues because the technology allows for deep laser penetration and the FDA clearances for this treatment include:
  • Age-related deep lines
  • Hard-to-erase lip lines
  • Pronounced photo damage
  • Sagging face and neck skin
  • Moderate to severe wrinkles
  • Irregular texture and tone
  • Age and brown spots
  • Fine lines around the eyes
  • Rhytides
  • Pigmented lesions
  • Textural irregularities
  • Furrows

Fraxel® Re:fine Treats

Fraxel® re:fine® focuses on the treatment of skin issues that exist on the epidermal layer of your skin and it is FDA approved for the treatment of:
  • Pigmented lesions
  • Periorbital fine lines
  • Melasma
  • Skin texture
  • Skin discolorations
  • Skin tone
  • Overall skin rejuvenation
  • Minor skin damage
  • Brown spots
  • Pigmented birthmarks
  • Acne scars
  • Surgical scars
  • Age spots

Fraxel® DUAL Treats:

The FDA has approved the Fraxel® dual-laser DUAL treatment to improve:
  • Periorbital wrinkles (wrinkles around the eyes)
  • Age spots
  • Acne scars
  • Surgical scars
  • Pigmented lesions
  • Melasma (irregular patches of brown skin on the forehead, cheeks, upper lip, and nose)
  • Actinic Keratoses (precancerous lesions)
  • Skin resurfacing
  • Tone and texture
  • Unwanted brown spots
  • Fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes

Fraxel® Laser Before and After

Curious about Fraxel laser treatments? View our patients from the Virginia Institute for Surgical Arts’ stunning skin transformations, often where other treatments fell short.

Female patient face, before and after Fraxel® Laser Treatment, side view

Why Choose Dr. V for Fraxel® Laser?

Dr. V is a trusted reconstructive facial plastic surgeon based in Chantilly, VA with a national reputation for excellence. She combines advanced technical expertise with personalized care. 

Each laser procedure that uses Fraxel® in Chantilly is customized to your skin’s condition, your age, and your lifestyle, as well as cosmetic and structural best approaches for long-term health. Every session is designed to ensure minimal Fraxel laser downtime and transparent Fraxel laser price guidance. 

Fraxel laser treatments with Dr. V means experiencing all of the following:

  • Extensive training. Dr. V’s double-board certification and fellowship training signify exception care and place her among an elite group of facial plastic surgeons in the USA.
  • Plans catered to your skin needs, from anti-aging to scar or epidermal lesion reduction.
  • Comprehensive pre- and post-treatment care so you feel seen and supported between sessions.

State-of-the-art equipment in a serene medical spa setting, including all three leading Fraxel laser modalities.

Your Fraxel® Laser Treatment in Chantilly, VA

Professional Female With Even Skin Tone Smiling Broadly After Dual Laser TreatmentFraxel® lasers have received multiple FDA clearances and have been found safe and effective in treating many areas of the face and body. Dr. V will personalize your Fraxel® program in Chantilly, VA to meet your individual expectations and the number of treatments you need will depend on your overall goals and lifestyle.  Although you will see a difference after only one session, clinical studies suggest that on average an effective treatment regimen is 3-5 sessions spaced approximately four weeks apart. Results are immediate and progressive with the optimal outcome visible in six months and how long your improvements last is dependent on how you care for your new skin.

Fraxel® Consultation

The first step in deciding if Fraxel® is right for you is to schedule a consultation with Dr. V at The Virginia Institute of Surgical Arts. She will thoroughly evaluate your skin and prescribe a treatment plan designed for the corrections that need to be made. You will be given instructions on how to best protect your skin and carefully following Dr. V’s guidelines will help maintain your youthful look.

Preparing For Fraxel®

For your Fraxel® treatment, your skin will be cleansed and 60-90 minutes before your procedure a topical numbing agent will be applied to the targeted area(s). You may be given a relaxing medication if necessary.

How Many Fraxel® Treatments Will I Need?

The number of treatments you need will depend on your goals and desired outcomes as well as your lifestyle. This varies from person to person and in most cases, 3-6 treatments are required for optimal results. Additional treatments can be scheduled monthly or spaced at longer or shorter intervals depending on the patient’s needs.

Fraxel® Results

There are two levels of results in a Fraxel® treatment: progressive and immediate. After the first healing process is completed, the surface of your skin will feel softer and the tone will even out for immediate effects while progressive results will continue to take place over the next 3-6 months as the deeper layers of your skin heal. The Fraxel® laser treatment will stimulate your body’s own natural healing process to efficiently replace damaged skin dramatically changing your appearance.

Fraxel® Re:Pair Treatment

Most patients describe an increased sensation of heat during their procedure. Unlike traditional CO2 treatments, you will feel quite comfortable immediately following your Fraxel re:pair and the actual procedure takes 20-30 minutes for a full face.

Fraxel® Re:Fine Treatment

During your Fraxel® re:fine® procedure a topical anesthesia will be applied and patients describe a “prickling” sensation that is minimized with the use of cold air. Fraxel® re:fine® takes approximately 20-30 minutes for a full face treatment and depending on your individual skin conditions, 4-6 sessions spaced 2-4 weeks are typically required to achieve the best outcome.

Fraxel® Dual Treatment

For your The Fraxel® DUAL laser procedure, your skin will be cleansed and numbed with a topical anesthetic ointment. Most patients describe a heating sensation during the treatment and the topical anesthesia as well as cold air will minimize any discomfort. For a full face the entire process takes 20-30 minutes depending on the size, location, and condition of your skin. During the first 24 hours your skin will appear red (like a sunburn) but this will subside and you will be able to wear makeup to reduce the redness if desired.

Fraxel® Laser Ideal Candidates

You may be a good candidate for Fraxel® if you have any of the following:

  • Wrinkles or fine lines
  • Irregular skin texture
  • Pigmented lesions
  • Sun spots or vascular dyschromia (sun-induced redness)
  • Age spots
  • Scar tissue buildup
In the past, wrinkles have signified a life filled with laughter and memories but today people are living longer and they want to restore their skin to its original beauty. Most of us wish we could slow down the signs of aging and Fraxel® is proven laser technology that removes years from your skin’s appearance helping you look as young as you feel. At The Virginia Institute for Surgical Arts, Dr. V and her professional team are committed to providing effective solutions for rejuvenating your skin and the benefits of Fraxel® laser systems speak for themselves.

Fraxel® Laser Downtime and Recovery

Fraxel® laser downtime is minimal and patients usually resume their normal activities the next day. However, more aggressive Fraxel® treatments may require up to ten days recovery time. New epidermal skin will develop immediately (within 24 hours) after your Fraxel® procedure and during this process mild bronzing of the skin and some exfoliation can be expected. Moisturizing the skin will help alleviate any discomfort and using sunscreen is strongly recommended.

Benefits of Fraxel® Laser Treatments

Fraxel is a versatile, effective skin resurfacing treatment able to target skin imperfections at the deeper epidermal level. Given its cross-functionality for skin healing, this treatment option carries many benefits for a range of patients.
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles for markedly smoother skin.
  • Improves skin texture and tone.
  • Minimizes acne scars and surgical scars.
  • Treats sun damage and age spots where other lasers might be too harsh.
  • Stimulates collagen production for long-term tighter, bouncier skin.
  • Safe for nearly all skin types and tones, including darker skins.
  • A quick recovery with minimal post-Fraxel® laser downtime, with most patients returning to normal activities the same day of treatment.
  • Non-invasive way to enhance total skin radiance and health.
  • Natural-looking results lasting 1+ year or more.

Risks of Fraxel®

Under the expert care of Dr. V, the vast majority of common Fraxel® laser treatment risks are significantly minimized. Fraxel® treatments can cause temporary side effects, such as redness resembling a sunburn, minor swelling, itching, dry skin, flaking, peeling, and a bronzed appearance as the skin heals. In rare cases, there may be pinpoint bleeding, infection, pigment changes, or scarring, with the intensity depending on the treatment’s aggressiveness. Dr. V’s skills and pedigree ensures precise, safe treatments, and any potential side effects or concerns will be thoroughly discussed during your consultation, providing confidence and peace of mind.

Complementary Treatments with Fraxel® in Chantilly, VA

Fraxel® treatments can be safely paired well with other skin-health treatments, often maximizing results. In some cases, these complementary treatments can be performed on the same day, minimizing any laser downtimes and treatment recovery. 

These treatment combinations, alongside Fraxel® lasers, can enhance skin’s texture, brightness, tone, and overall appearance for comprehensive skin resurfacing rejuvenation.

Microneedling with PRP

Microneedling stimulates collagen, while the added applied formula of PRP (platelet-rich plasma) accelerates skin’s healing and final dewey glow. Combined with Fraxel®, microneedling can dramatically improve skin’s texture and also reduce the appearance and color of raised scars.

Hyperpigmentation Chemical Peels

Chemical peels (derma peeling, chemexfoliation) are often combined with Fraxel® DUAL laser or Fraxel® re-pair laser treatments to exfoliate the skin and promote cellular turnover and growth. The results? Amplified skin brightness and smoothness for an advanced refreshed look.

Botox® Injections

Botox’s neurotoxin formula relaxes facial muscles, reducing dynamic wrinkles. Combined with Fraxel’s® resurfacing, it offers a comprehensive anti-aging solution targeting both surface and deeper dermal wrinkle formation.

Dermal Fillers

Fillers offer potent volume restoration to key facial areas like the cheeks and lips. When used alongside Fraxel®, fillers can create a balanced, youthful appearance by addressing both texture and volume loss, all while amplifying the natural contours of your face.

Book a Consultation

Schedule your consultation with Dr. V today to explore if Fraxel® laser technology is the right treatment for your skin concerns.

Learn More About Fraxel® Dual Lasers

Click through our blog articles to dive deeper into the benefits of laser skin resurfacing treatments.


In the decade since Fraxel® first pioneered true fractional laser technology, physicians around the world have treated more than 800,000 men and women from all walks of life including all ethnicities. At the Virginia Institute for Surgical Arts, Dr. V has deployed over a decade of fractional laser treatments successfully for her patients, including Fraxel® Chantilly treatments geared specifically for patients in and around our community.

Unlike traditional laser devices, Fraxel® brand laser systems treat microscopic volumes of skin with each unique pulse, leaving the surrounding area intact but stimulating the body’s own capacity to heal quickly. Other laser treatments offer a similar approach in terms of underlying laser-emitting medical technology, but affect a wider surface area, leading to greater treatment recovery windows.

The length of a Fraxel® Chantilly procedure depends on the size, location, and condition of the area to be treated. Sixty minutes prior to a Fraxel® treatment, your skin will be cleansed and numbed with a topical anesthetic ointment and typically the procedure takes 20-30 minutes for a full face.

You will be instructed to wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and avoid direct sun exposure while you are healing (at least three months). This gives Fraxel® laser treatments’ targeting your epidermal layers an adequate and full healing timeline.

No, most patients do not report pain in their Fraxel® laser reviews. A topical anesthesia will be applied before the procedure and cold air will be used on the treatment area during the procedure to minimize discomfort. After treatment, most patients report a slight tingling sensation similar to a sunburn, but this usually subsides in 1-3 hours.

All Fraxel® laser treatments use fractional technology to heal your skin from the inside out but they have different levels of intensity. The range of Fraxel® procedures vary in aggressiveness, downtime, results, and the number of treatments needed. The most aggressive procedure is Fraxel® re:pair, which produces dramatic improvement for severely damaged skin. Less aggressive treatments, like Fraxel® re:store, can produce significant results for mild to moderately damaged skin over the course of 3-6 treatments. When considering which Fraxel® option is best for you, Dr. V will evaluate your skin conditions and tailor a plan to meet your circumstances and lifestyle.

The national U.S. average cost for a Fraxel® laser treatment ranges from $1,000 to $2,500+ per session. In Virginia, prices typically fall a little lower, between $800 and $2,000 per Fraxel® Chantilly or Fraxel® Fairfax laser treatment. Total package price depends on the treatment area size and skin condition being addressed, as well as other variables like the clinical expertise of the reconstructive facial plastic surgeon performing your Fraxel® laser treatment, any facility costs, and more.

Written by Dr. V.

Dr. Trang Vo-Nguyen (“Dr. V”) is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon specializing in advanced cosmetic and reconstructive facial procedures in Northern Virginia.

Contact Us Virginia Institute for Surgical Arts

South Riding Professional Square
25055 Riding Plaza, Suite #140
Chantilly, VA 20152
TEL: 703.327.8200

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