Facelift: Facts about Complications and Recovery Time

Tag Archives: Fauquier


Facelift Plastic Surgery | Recovery | Fairfax County Northern VirginiaFacelift is a major cosmetic surgery procedure that will involve some post-operative downtime. At the same time, it will involve a certain amount of risk of complications that are typical in any surgical procedure. The plastic surgeon will discuss these issues at the outset to help the patient make an informed decision.

Dr. Trang Vo-Nguyen (Dr. V) is a leading, board certified facial plastic surgeon who makes every effort to make the facelift surgery less invasive, more targeted and involving minimal risk and downtime. Dr. V provides facelift and other procedures to patients in Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and surrounding communities.


Immediate Post-Op Phase

Once the effect of general anesthesia wears off, the patient may feel slightly nauseous or cold, but the condition will improve very quickly. The treated area will be covered with bandages, and some drainage tubes may be placed for a few days. Most patients can return home the same day of the surgery, but may have to visit the next day for a review of the progress.


Recovery in the First Week

Mild swelling and bruising is expected in the first week, which can cause some pain. Patients should take pain medications as prescribed by the surgeon. It is not advisable to remain sedentary during this period, but strenuous activities should be avoided. After the first week, most patients will have their stitches and drains removed.


Recovery in the Subsequent Weeks

Swelling is likely to persist for a few weeks after the facelift surgery, but the patient will be able to see clearer results as the recovery progresses. Most patients can return to their workplace in about 10 to 14 days, but they will still have some restrictions with regard to lifting heavy weights or performing vigorous exercises or activities.

Full results of a facelift will continue to establish over several months. If the patient follows the surgeon’s instructions during the recovery period, the risk of complications is minimized. Dr. V receives patients from Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and nearby areas for facelift surgery.


Potential Complications

Some of the complications that may occur in exceptional cases in any surgical procedure, including facelift, are listed as follows:

  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia
  • Infection occurring during or after the surgery
  • Hematoma or bleeding under the skin
  • Nerve damage in rare cases
  • Obvious scarring

These risks can be minimized when the patient chooses a highly trained and experienced plastic surgeon with proven expertise in facial surgery procedures. The patient should also be cooperative and following all the pre- and post-op instructions diligently to keep the risk of complications to the minimum.

Temporary side effects following a facelift surgery may include nausea for a few hours, mild pain, and discomfort in the first week, bruising and swelling that could last for several weeks or months, mild scarring, temporary numbness, slow healing of the wounds, and short term discoloration of the incision sites.


For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/


Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation | Fairfax County | Northern VirginiaFor women and men who wish to avoid surgery to achieve facial rejuvenation may consider a “liquid facelift” or facelift without surgery. This unique procedure involves FDA approved injectable facial treatments to achieve a similar effect as facelift surgery. The procedure does not involve any of the risks or complications that are typically associated with a surgery.

Dr. Trang Vo-Nguyen (Dr. V) is a board certified facial plastic surgeon who is specially trained in performing facial procedures. Procedures such as dermal filler and Botox injectables require high precision and must be performed only by an experienced facial surgeon for optimal results. Dr. V provides these procedures to patients in Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and surrounding communities.


Restoring Facial Youth

Facial youthfulness can be skillfully restored with a liquid facelift procedure when it is performed by a specialist. Some of the key aesthetic enhancements with this procedure include:

  • Volumizing the depleted areas such as cheeks and temples
  • Lifting the sagging brows and jowls
  • Reducing dark under-eye circles and filling the hollows
  • Lifting drooping corners of the mouth
  • Augmenting the lips
  • Minimizing nose bumps and enhancing nasal tip
  • Eliminating frown lines and crow’s feet around the eyes
  • Reducing wrinkles and filling the facial scars


Non-surgical facelift procedures are commonly sought by people in the age group of 30 to 70. The results can be substantive as long as the patient has some degree of elasticity in the facial skin. Dr. V receives patients from Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and nearby areas for various facial surgical and non-surgical procedures.



The surgeon will prepare a customized injection plan to meet the unique aesthetic and facial anatomical needs of the patient. The plan will usually include facial fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane, Sculptra, Radiesse, or Voluma as well as neuro modulators such as Botox, Dysport, or Xeomin.

Frown lines and crow’s feet can be treated effectively with a targeted Botox treatment. Restylane soft tissue filler may be applied to minimize dark circles beneath the lower eyelids and fill the under eye hollows. If the patient has thin skin in the cheeks or sunken cheeks, Juvederm Voluma may be used to add volume and create fuller, rounder cheeks.

Juvederm injections may be applied to minimize the appearance of nasolabial folds and laugh lines. For patients who need more intensive treatment, the surgeon may use Radiesse or Sculptra Aesthetic dermal fillers. The complete injectable facelift procedure can be completed in less than one hour. The procedure will be painless if the fillers which include lidocaine local anesthetic are chosen, or the surgeon may apply a numbing cream prior to the injections.



A non-surgical facelift procedure with dermal fillers and Botox will involve very little downtime, leave no scars, and cause negligible pain or discomfort during or after the procedure. Convenient and affordability of the procedure is very high, and the results can be sustained from a few months to over a year, depending on the combination of injections chosen.


For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/

Facial Plastic Surgery | Leesburg | Fairfax County | Northern VirginiaRhytidectomy, commonly known as facelift surgery, is procedure designed to minimize the appearance of facial wrinkles and lines and other telltale signs of aging. It can restore a younger looking overall appearance of the face and jaw. Facelift involves lifting and tightening of the weak underlying facial muscles to enhance facial structure and create more youthful contours.

Facelift will also include reduction or redistribution of excess fat and excision of loose skin that may be contributing to an aging face. Dr. Trang Vo-Nguyen (Dr. V) is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing facelift and other procedures to patients in Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and surrounding communities.


Traditional or Standard Facelift

The traditional or standard facelift surgery is a fairly comprehensive procedure that involves the lower two-thirds of the face and neck. The procedure will be used to remove excess fat and skin and tightening of the underlying facial muscles. Aesthetic concerns that can be corrected successfully with a traditional facelift include the following:

  • Tightening loose facial skin
  • Correcting sagging jowls
  • Reduction or redistribution of fats
  • Minimizing creases beneath lower eyelids
  • Minimizing creases around the mouth
  • Lifting the mid-face
  • Reduction of double chin


Endoscopic Facelift

The endoscopic facelift procedure is less invasive in comparison to the traditional surgery, and results in very little scarring. The procedure involves very small incisions through which a mini camera is inserted, and targeted results in terms of lifting of upper face and cheeks can be achieved. The following conditions can be improved with this procedure:

  • Drooping brows
  • Frown lines
  • Sagging cheeks and cheek folds
  • Sagging mid-face and jowls
  • Lines around the mouth

Dr. V receives patients from Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and nearby areas for both standard and endoscopic facelift surgery.



The incision in case of facelift surgery will usually be made above the hairline in order to keep the scarring very discreet. In some cases, the incisions will follow the natural facial creases because the healing is better in these locations and scars can be hidden more easily. The procedure will begin with the surgeon placing the incision behind the hairline on the side of the head, slightly above the temple.

The incision will then follow the hairline down to the ear, running along the crease between the ear and the cheek, continuing into the lower scalp. Through the incision, the surgeon will lift the facial skin from the underlying tissue. Excess ski and fat will be removed and the surrounding sagging muscles will be tightened to enhance contours and rejuvenate the face. The skin will then be re-draped smoothly over the face, and incisions will be closed with sutures.


Combining with Upper Face Procedures

Facelift surgery is primarily directed at the lower two-thirds of the face, which also includes the mid-face. To achieve more even looking results, a facelift is often combined with upper face procedures such as brow lift, forehead lift, and eyelid lift. Sometimes non-surgical procedures such as laser skin rejuvenation and injectables may also be combined.


For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/

What does a Lower Facelift Entail?What does a Lower Facelift Entail?

Lower facelift cosmetic surgery is focused on improving the bottom one-third of the face. The procedure involves tightening of the underlying facial structures that have sagged with age, causing the formation of a fleshy neck and jowls. The facelift surgeon will also excise loose skin, smoothing it down to remove facial wrinkles and creases.

The procedure is designed to provide a visual lift to the lower third of the face. Dr. Trang Vo-Nguyen (Dr. V) is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing a lower facelift and various other procedures. Dr. V receives patients from Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and surrounding communities.



As compared to a full traditional facelift, which combines lower facelift, mid facelift and forehead lift, a lower facelift will only target loose skin around the neck and jaw line, eliminate jowls and lift the corners of the mouth. Therefore, the procedure is more suited for candidates who show quicker emergence of the signs of aging in the lower third of the face.

A remarkable candidate for a lower facelift will have fairly elastic skin, but excess skin, fat tissue or thick bands around the neck and lax skin around the jaw line along with sagging corners of the mouth.



The surgeon will begin the lower facelift surgery by placing a small incision starting from the front of the ear and extending downward and behind the ear. In some cases, the surgeon may use the endoscopic facelift technique, which will involve the insertion of a tiny camera or endoscope through the incision.

If a neck lift is performed along with the lower facelift, it will include an additional incision made below the chin. Through these discreetly placed incisions, the surgeon will separate the skin delicately from the tissue underneath. Facial muscles will be tightened and excess fat tissue will be removed to restore a youthful appearance.

Excess skin will be trimmed away and the remaining skin will be pulled over tautly to minimize wrinkles. The surgeon will then close the incisions with sutures. However, the lower facelift will not involve cheek elevation, which will require a standard facelift surgery. Dr. V provides lower facelift surgery to patients from Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and nearby areas.


Lower Facelift Techniques

The surgeon will choose an appropriate surgical technique to perform lower facelift in accordance with the patient’s unique facial anatomy and pattern of aging. The “S Lift” technique will involve an S-shaped incision in front of the ear. This procedure can be performed using local anesthesia, and is usually more appropriate for patients in age group of 30 to 50.
The SMAS facelift involves a little longer incision compared to the S lift. It begins from the temple and extends down to the ear loop. Results are more substantive with the SMAS technique. Both S lift and SMAS techniques can be performed in conjunction with a neck lift to achieve more natural looking and uniform results.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/

Facelift Surgeon in Fairfax CountyFacelift Surgeon in Fairfax County

From an aesthetic perspective, face is one of the most complex areas of the body. It is also the most prominent and visible part, and any signs of aging will show conspicuously first on the face before they show elsewhere. Sagging facial skin, wrinkles, creases, and lines can be corrected effectively with facelift cosmetic surgery.

It is important to choose the right surgeon for this procedure who has specialized training and experience in performing facial surgeries. Dr. Trang Vo-Nguyen (Dr. V) is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing facelift and various other procedures for the breast, body and face. Dr. V receives patients from Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and surrounding communities.


Advanced Training

When it comes to procedures such as facelift surgery Dr. V stands apart in terms of her advanced training and expertise as a facial plastic surgeon. She has been board certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery.

These certifications signify that Dr. V belongs to a select group of distinguished surgeons who have acquired the highest level of specialized facial surgery training, continuing education and surgical experience. Along with her experienced team at the Virginia Institute for Surgical Arts, Dr. V makes use of cutting edge surgical techniques and technology to perform facelift and other procedures.

In addition to cosmetic and reconstructive facial surgery procedures, Dr. V’s practice is also equipped to provide some of the latest non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments. In some cases, Dr. V may combine surgical and non-surgical procedures to achieve more effective outcomes in a less invasive manner. As the founder and medical director of the Virginia Institute for Surgical Arts, Dr. V is recognized as one of the leading facial plastic surgeons in the country.


Combining Art and Science

Dr. V believes that true facial youth and beauty begins on the inside, and eventually gets reflected on the outside. Therefore, she focuses on helping her patients believe in their own inner beauty and youthfulness, and employs scientific techniques on the outer surface to represent the beauty that exists within.

According to Dr. V, in any facial procedure such as facelift surgery, the artistic aspect and creativity cannot be ignored. Patients desire the best possible aesthetic results, and the surgeon must adopt a careful balance between health, aesthetics, and sustainability of results in order to produce deeply satisfying outcomes for the patient.



A number of surgical techniques and approaches have evolved over the years to perform facelift. Each patient has unique aesthetic needs, and the surgeon should be able to adapt the procedure to fulfill those needs. Dr. V will choose the most appropriate technique, and perform a traditional or endoscopic facelift, depending on the patient’s goals.

She will customize the procedure to address specific concerns of her patients. She provides facelift and other procedures to patients in Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and nearby areas.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Using FillersNon-Surgical Rhinoplasty Using Fillers

Rhinoplasty is one of the top five most sought-after plastic surgery procedures in the US today. The procedure is designed to enhance the shape and size of the nose in harmony with other facial features. While rhinoplasty is highly popular, some patients may not like to go for a surgery even if they wish to improve the appearance of their nose.

Such patients have a safe and proven treatment option in the form of facial fillers. These injectable dermal fillers can be used effectively to achieve nose reshaping results in a completely non-surgical manner. Millions of women and men in the US receive the benefits of FDA approved dermal fillers every year.

Board certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Trang Vo-Nguyen (Dr. V) provides non-surgical rhinoplasty to patients in Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and surrounding communities.



When a patient choose non-surgical rhinoplasty, they can be reassured that they will avoid all the potential risks and complications that they would have otherwise faced in case of a surgical nose job. The dermal filler based rhinoplasty will be performed as an outpatient procedure. It will not involve general anesthesia or sedation. Most patients will experience only minimal pain or discomfort.

The duration of the procedure will be much shorter than a rhinoplasty surgery, and post-op recovery period will also be minimal. Busy mothers and working people can ideally choose filler based rhinoplasty, where a single injectable treatment is enough to maintain results for as much as one year. Treatments can be repeated later for prolonged benefits.


Suitable Candidates

Adults who wish to improve their nose appearance but are reluctant to choose a surgery may make good candidates for dermal filler based rhinoplasty. The surgeon will typically recommend this treatment to patients who require relatively less prominent changes and are not candidates for nasal reconstruction.  

Candidates who want to remove a hump or bump on the bridge of the nose, refine the nasal tip, or augment the overall nose appearance can benefit from filler rhinoplasty. Leading facial plastic surgeon Dr. V receives patients from Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and nearby areas for dermal filler nose reshaping.


Filler Procedure

A customized injection plan using appropriate dermal fillers will be created to meet the specific aesthetic goals of the patient. The treatment provider will administer a local anesthetic injection or use a topical numbing cream to ensure a painless procedure. Injections in pre-determined volumes will be administered into the targeted areas of the nose.

The entire injectable procedure will usually get completed in less than 30 minutes, depending on the extent of treatment. Hyaluronic acid based facial fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane and Perlane are more popular for filler rhinoplasty. Advanced volumizing fillers such as Sculptra Aesthetic or Radiesse may be used in a few cases.



The treated area will show some amount of redness and swelling in the first few days. Tenderness in the nose may be experienced in the first week. Results will last for about six to 12 months, depending on the fillers used.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/

How to Minimize Bruising from Rhinoplasty Surgery? How to Minimize Bruising from Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Rhinoplasty or nose reshaping surgery ranks among the top five cosmetic surgery procedures performed in the US today. Advanced surgical techniques have made the procedure safer and more effective over the years. However, one of the common concerns that continues to prevail in the minds of many candidates is whether rhinoplasty will cause serious bruising, resulting in prolonged downtime and painful recovery.

The fact is that it is possible to minimize bruising and pave the way for a faster and relatively painless recovery after rhinoplasty. The patient may expect to return to work in about a week when the cast from the nose is removed. Dr. Trang Vo-Nguyen (Dr. V) is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing rhinoplasty to patients in Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and surrounding communities.

Operating Surgeon’s Skills

The extent of bruising that may occur following rhinoplasty will largely be determined by the kind of surgical skills that a rhinoplasty surgeon possesses. Bruising in rhinoplasty typically occurs when the surgeon is making cuts in the nasal bones to improve the size or shape of the nose. In this process of making cuts, the periosteum that covers the lower and upper surfaces of the nasal bones may get cut or shredded.

Periosteum is the source of blood supply to the nasal bone, and if it suffers the cuts, it will bleed into the skin beneath the eyes and cheek, resulting in extra bruising and swelling. A skilled plastic surgeon will take the necessary time and care to elevate the periosteum when nasal bones have to be cut.

This will ensure reduced trauma to the periosteum, and bruising will be minimized. Dr. V receives patients from Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and nearby areas for this procedure.

Other Factors

Some of the individual attributes of a patient will also impact the extent of bruising that may occur following a rhinoplasty:

Age of the Patient

In case of older patients, the blood vessels will be a little more fragile, which is likely to result in slightly higher bruising.

Bleeding Tendency

Patients with a personal or family history of excessive bruising or bleeding in a surgery will be more likely to bruise after a rhinoplasty. The surgeon should look into this aspect at the time of surgical planning.

Use of Blood Thinners

Patients who have been using blood thinning drugs may have a heightened risk of bruising and bleeding during the surgery. The surgeon should account for this situation and discuss with the primary care physician before going ahead with the rhinoplasty.

Patient Tips

The surgeon will advise do’s and don’ts to the patient to prevent excessive bruising. Medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and anti-inflammatories should be avoided several weeks before and after the rhinoplasty. Ice packs should be used for about three days on the cheeks after the surgery. The head should be maintained in an elevated state as far as possible for a few days to help minimize bruising.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Using Fillers Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Using Fillers

Rhinoplasty or nose reshaping surgery is a popular aesthetic procedure designed to harmonize the appearance of the nose with other facial features. But a few patients may not be ready for an elective surgery to enhance facial aesthetics, while still wanting to improve their nose appearance. In such cases, the surgeon may recommend a non-surgical rhinoplasty procedure using FDA approved, injectable dermal fillers.

Unlike surgery, the dermal filler treatment will involve minimal pain, almost no downtime, and will avoid all the risks and complications that are typically associated with a surgery procedure. Board certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Trang Vo-Nguyen (Dr. V) provides facial filler based rhinoplasty to patients in Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and surrounding communities.

Suitable Candidates

Any individual who is desirous of achieving an improved shape or size of the nose and reducing its aberrations without surgery may be a suitable candidate for non-surgical filler based rhinoplasty. As long as the improvements required are subtle and less complex in nature, filler treatment can serve the purpose in most cases.

Undesirable humps and bumps on the nasal bridge, poorly defined nasal tip, and relatively undermined appearance of the nose are some of the conditions that can be corrected with non-surgical nose reshaping. Working people and busy moms usually make good candidates because they may be more interested in receiving a procedure that involves little risk and minimal downtime.

Injectable Procedure

The surgeon will prepare a detailed and customized dermal filler treatment plan, keeping in view the patient’s condition of the nose, and their personal aesthetic needs. The complete injection procedure can be performed in about half an hour or less. A local anesthetic injection or topical numbness cream will be applied prior to the treatment.

The choice of dermal fillers will be made at the time of treatment planning in consultation with the patient. Some of the popular FDA approved fillers include Juvederm and Restylane for nose augmentation. These are hyaluronic acid based fillers, which require no prior allergy testing. The filler will be injected into the targeted areas of the nose in a pre-determined volume to improve nose profile, symmetry, shape, and projection.

Advanced soft tissue fillers such as Radiesse or Sculptra may also be used in some cases to achieve more dramatic or longer lasting results. Two or more fillers in combination may also be used in some cases for more comprehensive outcomes. The procedure will be performed on an outpatient basis.

Dr. V receives patients from Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and nearby locations for this procedure.

Recovery and Results

Minor swelling and redness may occur after the procedure, which will resolve on its own in a few days. For the first week, slight tenderness will remain in the treated areas. Results with filler based rhinoplasty can usually last for about six months to a year. The treatment may be repeated after about 12 to 18 months to prolong the effects.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/

Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon before Facelift Surgery Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon before Facelift Surgery

Signs of aging tend to show more conspicuously on the face than on other parts of the body. Facelift cosmetic surgery is a proven and effective procedure to address this condition and restore a more youthful looking face. However, it is important that this procedure should be performed only by a qualified facelift surgeon with a proven track record of success in this area. Safety and predictability of results should be the paramount concern in facelift surgery.

Dr. Trang Vo-Nguyen (Dr. V) is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing facelift and various other procedures. Dr. V’s specialized training as a facial plastic surgeon places her in a strong position to perform facelift and other facial rejuvenation surgeries. She receives patients from Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and surrounding communities.

List of Suggested Questions

The patient should be prepared to ask all the necessary questions during the initial facelift cosmetic surgery consultation, and clarify all their doubts and concerns. Some of the important questions to ask are listed as follows:

• Are you a board certified surgeon, and whether in any specific area of specialization?
• Do you have special qualifications or training in the field of facial surgery?
• Where do you normally perform the facelift surgery, and do you have staff privileges at a hospital?
• How many facelift surgery procedures do you usually perform in a year?
• Does your support staff have the right training and qualifications?
• Where you a majority of your patients come from?
• Am I a good candidate for a facelift surgery?
• Can I choose any non-surgical facelift options instead of facelift surgery?
• Would you describe for me a wonderful, mundane or ho-hum, and an unacceptable outcome from a facelift procedure?
• Will you provide me with facelift surgery before and after photos of earlier patients?
• Can I talk to one of your staff members or a previous patient to get their perspective on facelift surgery?
• Do you use an accredited surgical room?
• Will the anesthesiologist be board certified?
• Would you have the necessary systems in place to deal with an emergency?
• Will I be able to consult with you at any stage during the treatment process?
• How long with the facelift procedure last in the operating room?
• Does a facelift involve any prior medical tests or health clearances?
• Are there any risks or complications that I should be aware of?
• Is the recovery process going to be long and painful?

Additional Guidance

As an experienced facial plastic surgeon, Dr. V will answer all queries of the patient accurately and in detail. She provides this procedure to patients in Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and nearby areas.

Patient should remain conscious of certain aspects during the consultation, such as whether the surgeon has review their medical history, whether the surgeon paid adequate personal attention to their needs, and whether the patient could understand and agree with the facelift surgical plan made during the consultation.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/

Nose Reshaping Plastic Surgery (Rhinoplasty) - Types of Lifts, Cost, Recovery & Results

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is a plastic surgery procedure designed to improve the size and shape of the nose in harmony with the other facial features. In some cases, rhinoplasty may also involve functional corrections such as removal of breathing obstructions in the nostrils.

Board certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Trang Vo-Nguyen (Dr. V) is ideally positioned to provide rhinoplasty to patients in Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and surrounding areas.

Types of Nose Surgery

Rhinoplasty can be performed using different techniques, as per the patient’s needs. Some of the common types of nose surgery include the following:

Reduction Rhinoplasty

Reduction rhinoplasty is a popular procedure, aimed to making the nose size more proportionate to the rest of the face. It may involve removal of nose bumps, reshaping of nostrils, and refining of the nasal tip. Patients of ethnic descent commonly seek this procedure to achieve better facial proportion.

Augmentation Rhinoplasty

If the nose size is smaller in comparison to other facial features, the surgeon may apply this technique. It involves bone or tissue grafting to build up the nasal tip or nasal bridge. Grafting is usually performed by using cartilage from the nasal septum or ribs. Artificial implants may also be used in certain situations.

Post-Traumatic Rhinoplasty

This procedure may be required if the patient has sustained a severe nose injury. It may involve both aesthetic and functional corrections. If the nose is broken, the surgeon may re-fracture and reset the nose, or in some cases, the nasal septum may require straightening.

Ethnic Rhinoplasty

Women and men of ethnic descent, such as Asians, African Americans, or Hispanics may benefit from ethnic rhinoplasty to enhance their facial appearance. Peculiarities of the nose size, shape and contours can be addressed by a skillful surgeon with this procedure while retaining the essential integrity and identity of the face.

Reconstructive Rhinoplasty

In some cases, the patient may suffer the loss of full or partial nose due to skin cancer, injury or another condition. Reconstructive rhinoplasty can be used to rebuild the nose. Skin grafting, flap technique, and other advanced procedures can help to achieve natural looking results.

Experienced facial plastic surgeon Dr. V receives patients from Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and nearby areas for this surgery.


The average cost of nose surgery in the US in 2014, as per the figures provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, was $4,694. But this cost did not account for components such as anesthesia, surgical facility costs, and other associated expenses. The overall dollar figure of nose surgery may vary between $6,000 and $12,000, depending on several factors.

Recovery and Results

Most patients will recover enough to return to work or resume their normal activities in about one week to 10 days. Vigorous exercises should be avoided for at least a month. Results will establish gradually as swelling subsides over a few months. Results with rhinoplasty are usually permanent in nature.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas. https://thevirginiainstitute.com/contact-us/

Contact Us Virginia Institute for Surgical Arts

South Riding Professional Square
25055 Riding Plaza, Suite #140
Chantilly, VA 20152
TEL: 703.327.8200

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Dr V Facial Plastics