Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) in the Fairfax, Virginia area

Tag Archives: Plastic surgery in Fairfax

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) Surgeon Northern Virginia | Fairfax VA

Eyelid surgery, clinically known as blepharoplasty, is a plastic surgery procedure aimed at rejuvenating the appearance of upper, lower or both eyelids. The surgery involves removal of loose skin and muscle from the eyelids. In some cases, only the excess skin may be removed, while in others excess fat may also be removed or redistributed, apart from muscle tightening.

Dr. Trang Vo-Nguyen (Dr. V) is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing eyelid surgery and other procedures. With her advanced training and experience in facial surgeries, Dr. V is in the best position to perform a sensitive procedure such as blepharoplasty, which involves the eyes. Dr. V receives patients from Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and surrounding communities.

Ideal Candidates

Individuals who are unhappy with the older or tired look of their eyes due to skin and muscle laxity or excess fat deposits in the upper or lower or both eyelids may make terrific candidates for blepharoplasty procedure.

Some patients who complain of vision obstruction due to heavy upper lids, or those who suffer from ptosis condition will also benefit from eyelid surgery. The candidate should not be suffering from an eye infection or another health condition that could cause problems during surgery or recovery period.


The blepharoplasty procedure cannot stop the aging process of the eyes, but it can produce fairly sustainable and long-lasting results. In case of upper eyelid surgery, the patient can enjoy rejuvenated appearance of the eyes for at least five to seven years, and in some cases, up to an entire lifetime. Lower eyelid surgery rarely needs to be performed a second time during the patient’s lifetime.

Even when both upper and lower eyelid procedures are performed together, the duration of the surgery will be less than two hours. The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia and oral sedation. Major complications from cosmetic blepharoplasty are rare. Each year thousands of patients receive this surgery with successful results.


Upper Blepharoplasty

The surgeon will place the incision within the natural fold of the upper eyelid to keep the scar inconspicuous. The scar may extend slightly beyond the outside corner of the eye into other existing creases. Loose skin and fatty tissue will be excised through the incision to make the eyelids appear tighter and reduce the puffiness in the upper lids.

Lower Blepharoplasty

Lower eyelid surgery may be performed from outside as a traditional procedure, or through the inside of the lower eyelid with a technique called transconjunctival blepharoplasty. Scarring is invisible when this internal incision technique is used. Loose skin and fat will be excised or fat can be redistributed through the incision. Muscle laxity may also be corrected by removing loose muscle. Laser technique may also be combined with lower blepharoplasty for more targeted results.

Functional Blepharoplasty

If the upper eyelid is heavily droopy, resulting in vision obstruction or difficulty in wearing contact lenses or glasses, the surgeon may perform a functional eyelid surgery. This can restore full vision as well as achieve aesthetic benefits for the patient.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas.

Rhinoplasty (Nose Job Surgery) Northern Virginia

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as nose job or nose surgery, is a plastic surgery procedure to improve the proportion, shape, size or overall appearance of the nose in harmony with the face. Sometimes the surgeon may use rhinoplasty to correct certain functional anomalies that may be causing obstruction in breathing or other difficulties.

Can Be Restored

If the nose has suffered damage to its shape during a previous surgery or due to an accident or injury, the nose may be restored to its original shape and appearance with the help of nose surgery. Dr. V is a board certified facial plastic surgery providing rhinoplasty to her patients in Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and surrounding areas.

What improvements can be made with Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty can help achieve the following improvements in the appearance of the nose as per the unique aesthetic needs of a particular patient:

  • Enhancing or reducing the size of the nose in proportion with the rest of the face.
  • Enhancing or reducing the width of the nose at the nose bridge.
  • Removing unsightly humps or depressions on the nose bridge.
  • Improving the tip of the nose which may be sagging, bulbous, or upturned.
  • Correcting the shape of large, wide or upturned nostrils.
  • Restoring balance to an asymmetrical or deviated nose.

Dr. V evaluates the facial anatomy in conjunction with the patient’s aesthetic goals in order to prepare a customized treatment plan for nose surgery. Patients in Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and nearby areas have an opportunity to receive this surgery at Dr. V’s state of the art practice.

Who is a Suitable Candidate?

The following attributes usually make a terrific or fantastic candidate for rhinoplasty:

  •    The patient is unhappy with the current appearance of the nose and wants to improve it.
  •    The patient has a good physical health and is fit to undergo surgery.
  •    The patient is over 12 years of age and the facial growth has been fully attained.
  •    The patient is a non-smoker or ready to stop smoking several weeks prior to the procedure.
  •    The patient has clear goals, positive outlook and realistic expectations from rhinoplasty.


The plastic surgeon may perform nose surgery under general anesthesia or IV sedation, depending on the circumstances of the case. It may be a closed or open rhinoplasty as per the treatment plan devised to achieve the patient’s aesthetic goals. The closed procedure will involve incisions inside the nose, which keeps the scars hidden later on.

In an open procedure, however, the incision is made across the columella, which a thin strip of tissue dividing the nostrils. The surgeon will lift the soft tissue that covers the nose in order to gain access to reshape the underlying structure.


The recovery period may be around one week, but the swelling may continue to exist for several weeks. Full effects of the procedure appear gradually, and it may take up to a year for the reshaped nasal contour to refine fully. Results of rhinoplasty are usually permanent.


For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas.

Facelift Before and After Photos – Northern Virginia

facelift before and after photosA facelift is a plastic surgery procedure designed to reduce the conspicuous signs of aging from the face in a comprehensive manner and restore a more youthful looking facial appearance. Dr. Trang Vo-Nguyen is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing facelift surgery to patients in Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, Warrenton, and surrounding communities.

What are Facelift Before and After Images?

A facelift ‘before and after images’ refer to a set of photographs pertaining to a previous patient who has undergone a facelift procedure. The set includes photographs taken prior to the surgery and at different stages after the surgery. These images can serve as an effective visual aid to help a new patient understand the facelift procedure clearly and make an informed decision about treatment.

Before and after pictures are taken discreetly and with the consent of the patient. The plastic surgeon will use these pictures during the initial consultation, and the only goal is to use these photos to educate a new patient about facelift. See Facelift Before and After Photos


A new patient may have only a vague idea of facelift surgery, and it can be difficult to explain the real effectiveness of the procedure in words. This is where before and after photos can play a key role and show visual results of the procedure. Some patients may be unsure whether to choose a facelift, a mini facelift or a procedure for the upper face only such as eyelid lift or brow lift. In some cases, the surgeon may recommend a facelift combined with a neck lift surgery.

The patient can gain a better perspective about various treatment options with the help of before and after photos. Dr. V makes sure that her patients in and around Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Loudoun County, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Middleburg, Leesburg, Manassas, and Warrenton are able to make informed choices using before and after photos of the procedure.

Expectations from a Facelift Surgery

In any cosmetic surgery procedure, it is very important for a patient to know clearly what the procedure can or cannot do for them. Despite the best explanations of the plastic surgeon, a patient may sometimes misinterpret the aesthetic goals that can be achieved with a certain procedure.

When a patient forms wrong expectations, the final results can be disappointing, even if the surgeon has performed the procedure very successfully. This scenario can be avoided with the help of facelift before and after photos. Most surgeons use these pictures to ensure that the patient forms realistic expectations from the facelift procedure in order to achieve satisfactory results.

Photos Online

A plastic surgeon may also provide facelift before and after photographs on the practice website. This can allow free access to the photos to anyone who needs to learn more about facelift surgery. A potential patient who may first like to know more about the surgery before considering a personal visit to the surgeon’s office for a consultation can simply review before and after pictures from the comfort of their home or office.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas.

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Call to Schedule Your Appointment with Dr. V



*Some restrictions apply, ask for details.  Offers expire February 28, 2014.  Limit one item per patient and offers may be pre-purchased for later use.  Offers good while supplies last or schedule permits.  Offers may not be combined with any other discounts, incentives or promotions.  Patients must be candidates for service, procedure or product as determined by Dr. Vo-Nguyen.

Mini Facelift Cost – Northern Virginia | Loudoun | Fairfax | Prince William | Fauquier | Arlington 

Mini facelift costDr. Trang Vo-Nguyen (Dr. V) is a board certified facial plastic surgeon in Chantilly, near Northern Virginia. She leads a state of the art plastic surgery practice called the Virginia Institute for Surgical Arts. Patients in Loudoun County, Fairfax County, Prince William County, Fauquier County, Arlington County, and nearby areas who are looking for facial plastic surgery procedures can receive advance treatment from Dr. V.

What is Mini Facelift?

Mini facelift is an innovative surgical procedure to reduce the signs of aging from the face in a minimally invasive way. The procedure is designed to reduce the risks typically associated with a traditional facelift plastic surgery procedure. The treatment involves minimal downtime and reduced swelling and discomfort during the recovery period. Dr. V is an experienced plastic surgeon providing mini facelift to patients in Middleburg, Leesburg, Fairfax, Manassas, Warrenton, Arlington, and surrounding communities.

Cost Factors in Mini Facelift

Compared to a traditional facelift plastic surgery, a mini facelift is a less complication procedure as it deals with selective areas of the face to reduce the signs of aging. Due to the quickness of this procedure, it is also sometimes called by the name of a Weekend Facelift. While a traditional facelift involves a major incision through which the underlying muscles and tissue are tightened and excess skin is removed, in case of a mini facelift only minor incisions are involved to tighten the neck and jowls and other targeted specific areas.

Location of the Practice

The cost of a mini facelift in Loudoun County, Fairfax County, Prince William County, Fauquier County, Arlington County, or nearby locations may differ from the cost of the same procedure in Chicago or another region. This happens because the cost of living in each region may differ, which may influence the cost of all products and services, including facial plastic surgery services.

Surgeon’s Fee

If the mini facelift procedure is performed by a highly qualified and experienced facial plastic surgeon, the fee charged may be higher compared to another surgeon who may not be a recognized expert in the area of head and neck surgery. A higher demand from patients may make a surgeon hard pressed for time for a particular procedure, and he or she may charge a higher fee. As per the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the surgeon’s fee should be a secondary factor, and patients should choose the right surgeon for their surgical needs.

Cost of Operating Facility

If a mini facelift procedure is performed at a state of the art surgical facility that is fully equipped with advanced technologies and systems, along with the backup of experienced support staff, and provides high quality services and comforts, it may charge more than an average operating facility.

Cost of Anesthesia

In case of a mini facelift, the patient will not require to undergo general anesthesia. That will save a considerable part of the cost in comparison to a traditional facelift surgery that is typically performed under general anesthesia. A mini facelift is usually performed under local anesthesia with sedation.

Additional Costs

A mini facelift is performed on an outpatient basis, and the entire procedure can be completed within 45 to 90 minutes in most cases. Therefore, overnight stay costs are eliminated in this procedure. However, the patient should take into account costs of any medical tests, prescription medications, post-op visits or other related expenses. An accurate estimate of costs will help a patient arrange the finances for the procedure well in advance.

Average Cost of Mini Facelift

A mini facelift procedure will usually cost in the range of $4,000 to $7,000 depending on several cost factors as discussed above. This cost is usually about half the total cost involved in a traditional facelift plastic surgery. In cosmetic enhancement procedures, the cost is forgotten quickly, but the results are remembered for a long time. Therefore, patients should choose an appropriate procedure with a qualified, preferably board certified plastic surgeon specializing in facial plastic surgery for such a procedure.

Insurance and Financing

Mini facelift is typically performed for cosmetic reasons, which makes it an elective surgery. Health insurance plans normally do not provide coverage for such cosmetic surgery procedures. Patients may be required to make an upfront payment at the plastic surgeon’s office. Therefore, financing issue should be discussed with their office well in advance.

Some practices may provide guidance or assistance with regarding to arranging finances for the procedure. Alternatively, third party financing is available directly through various professional medical care finance companies. Financing can make it convenient for the patient to make payments in affordable monthly installments.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas.

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  Schedule a consultation to discuss your current skin care, bring in the products that you currently use and Dr. V will provide you with a customized skin care plan to resolve your skin concerns.

     Juvederm Voluma XC is Now Available

     at The Virginia Institute 

     This is the first filler to be FDA approved to instantly add volume
     to the cheek area.   Voluma is manufactured by Allergan,
     the same company that offers proven products such as Botox,
     Juvederm and Latisse.  Voluma is clinically proven to add long
     lasting volume to the cheek area where volume loss can be most
     evident due to the aging process. Voluma will give you a
     subtle lift, helping to restore fullness and give you a more
     youthful appearance for as long as two years…s.  

Call to Schedule Your Appointment with Dr. V



*Some restrictions apply, ask for details.  Offers expire January 31, 2014.  Limit one item per patient and offers may be pre-purchased for later use.  Offers good while supplies last or schedule permits.  Offers may not be combined with any other discounts, incentives or promotions.  Patients must be candidates for service, procedure or product as determined by Dr. Vo-Nguyen.

Facelift Surgery Cost

Facelift surgery costThe Virginia Institute for Surgical Arts is a state of the art plastic surgery practice in Chantilly, Northern Virginia, led by board certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Trang Vo-Nguyen (Dr. V). Patients in and around Loudoun County, Fairfax County, Prince William County, Fauquier County and Arlington County have an opportunity to receive advanced facial plastic surgery procedures such as facelift, neck lift, brow lift, eyelid lift, and rhinoplasty from Dr. V.

What is a Facelift?

Facelift is a plastic surgery procedure to reduce the signs of aging from the face by surgically removing excess skin and fat, tightening the outer skin, and repositioning the underlying fat and muscle. A facelift take several years off the face of a patient and provide a more youthful and rejuvenated facial appearance. The procedure may sometimes be combined with neck lift to achieve more consistent results. The surgery primarily deals with the lower face and mid face.

If the plastic surgeon feels that brow lift or eyelid lift may also be necessary to achieve more comprehensive outcome and meet the patient’s aesthetic goals, two or more procedures may be combined. Dr. V is an experienced surgeon with specialization in facial plastic surgery, which puts her in the best position to perform this procedure in safe and effective manner. Patients in Middleburg, Leesburg, Fairfax, Manassas, Warrenton, Arlington and surrounding areas have an opportunity to receive this treatment from Dr. V.

Factors Impacting the Cost of Facelift

The cost of facelift surgery may vary from one area to another as well as from one practice to another even within the same area. The cost is a combination of various components, each of which may be influenced by a number of factors. Here are some of the key factors that can affect the overall cost of facelift:

Location of the Practice

The cost of facelift at a practice located in Loudoun County, Fairfax County, Prince William County, Fauquier County, or Arlington County in Northern Virginia is likely to differ from the cost of the same procedure in Orlando, FL. This happens because the average cost of living may vary between two states or even two cities in the same state. The cost of all kinds of products and services, including plastic surgery services will be influenced by the overall cost of living in a particular area.

Surgeon’s Fee

The skills, experience and reputation of the plastic surgeon can make a difference to the fee charged by that surgeon. Surgeons who are more in demand for a particular procedure may be short of time and may charge a higher fee. For instance, Dr. V is a board certified specialist in facial plastic surgery, which makes her an authority in the area of facelift procedure. Patients in Middleburg, Leesburg, Fairfax, Manassas, Warrenton, Arlington, and nearby areas may prefer to receive a facelift from Dr. V rather than go elsewhere.

Surgical Facility and Anesthesia Costs

The costs of the operating facility where the facelift procedure is performed can also make a difference to the overall cost of procedure. A state of the art facility equipped with the latest technologies and equipment, backed by an experienced support staff team, and offering high quality comforts and services may cost slightly more than an average operating facility. Facelift is usually performed under general anesthesia, and the cost of the anesthesiologist and their team will also make an impact to the overall cost of the procedure.

Other Costs

Patients who are considering facelift surgery, should also account for other costs of the procedure, such as medical tests, prescription medications, and any additional expenses. It is important to prepare an accurate cost estimate in advance so that there is no difficulty at the time of arranging the payment. With a correct budget estimate, the patient is a position to make an appropriate and informed decision about the choice of procedure.

Average Cost of Facelift

On average, the facelift surgery may cost from $7,000 to $15,000 in most cases, depending on the various factors discussed above. The cost will also differ depending on the extent of surgery involved, complexity of a particular case, and the estimated duration of the procedure. Sometimes a patient may just need a mini facelift procedure, which may cost much lesser than a complete facelift surgery.

The cost may also differ on the basis of the technique used, such as traditional facelift or endoscopic facelift surgery. The procedure is usually performed for aesthetic reasons, and it may not be covered under the patient’s health insurance plan. Patients should consider their financing options well in advance and may also discuss the possibility of financing assistance with the office of the plastic surgeon.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas.

Facelift  – Northern Virginia

Fairfax Plastic Surgery | Loudoun | Cosmetic Facelift | ManassasDr. Trang Vo-Nguyen, also known as Dr. V among her patients, is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing state of the art plastic surgery procedures in Chantilly, Northern Virginia. She heads the Virginia Institute for Surgical Arts, which is an advanced facility for cosmetic and reconstructive facial plastic surgery procedures. Patients in Loudoun County, Fairfax County, Prince William County, Fauquier County, Arlington County and surrounding areas have an opportunity to receive remarkable, impressive, and verifiable treatments from Dr. V.

What is a Facelift?

Facelift is among the popular plastic surgery procedures to reduce the signs of aging from the face and provide a rejuvenated look. The procedure involves skin tightening and reposition of fat, muscle and skin. People in the age group of 40 to 70 are usually magnificent candidates for this procedure, and a facelift can at least seven to 10 years off their face.

An experienced plastic surgeon will ensure that the patient achieves a younger looking face, but the basic integrity, countenance, and features of the face remain unaltered. Dr. V is a dedicated facial plastic surgeon providing facelift surgery for patients in and around Middleburg, Leesburg, Fairfax, Manassas, Warrenton, and Arlington.


A facelift surgery practically involves lifting the skin off the face so that the underlying tissue and muscles can be tightened. Once this skin and muscle tightening is completed, the skin is repositioned smoothly over the face. The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia or IV sedation and local anesthesia. The surgeon begins by making an incision starting in the temple area and circling the ear.

Through the incision, the muscle and tissue are tightened. The raised skin is then re-draped over the face and incisions are closed with sutures. A skilled facial plastic surgeon will make sure that the incision is made along the hairline or in an area where the skin would naturally crease to keep the scarring hidden. The procedure may take several hours, depending on the extent of surgery involved.


The face is wrapped in a bandage after the surgery, and the dressings will be removed in a day or two. Drain tubes, if any, are also removed around the same time. Stitches will be removed in about a week or 10 days. The plastic surgeon may prescribe pain medications for a few days. The patient may experience bruising and swelling on the treated area for several days.

Patients must avoid smoking for a few weeks before and after the surgery. The patient can expect to resume normal activities within two to three weeks in most cases. Numbness may last for several months on the affected area, and the skin may feel dry and rough. Dr. V prepares and instructs her patients in Loudoun County, Fairfax County, Prince William County, Fauquier County, and Arlington County for the recovery period.

Facelift Types

Facelift procedure can be performed either with the traditional approach or with a modern endoscopic technique. The traditional facelift addresses the lower face and neck area, and involves removal of excess fat and skin and tightening of underlying muscles. A traditional facelift can improve the following conditions:

  • Loose skin
  • Sagging jowl
  • Fat deposits
  • Creases below your lower eyelids
  • Mid-face sagging
  • Creases around the mouth
  • Double chin

The endoscopic facelift plastic surgery, on the other hand, is a less invasive procedure. The advantage with this technique is that it leaves little or no scarring. The technique involves the use of a miniature camera that is inserted in the skin through tiny incisions. The surgeon can view the inside condition of the face with this technology and lift the upper face and cheeks in a safe and minimally invasive manner. This technique can help correct the following conditions:

  • Sagging brow
  • Frown lines
  • Sagging cheeks
  • Cheek folds
  • Lines around your mouth
  • Sagging jowls
  • Sagging mid-face

Choice of Technique

Both traditional and endoscopic facelift have their own merits, and the surgeon will choose the right technique that is best suited to a particular patient’s needs. Dr. V takes into account the unique aesthetic goals and health condition of her patients in Middleburg, Leesburg, Fairfax, Manassas, Warrenton, Arlington, and surrounding communities while recommending the appropriate technique.

The facelift procedure may be performed independently or in combination with other procedures such as brow lift or rhinoplasty. Patients should also be aware of what a facelift can or cannot do. This helps them have realistic expectations from the procedure, and they can experience more satisfactory outcomes.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas.

The Virginia Institute for Surgical Arts in Chantilly, near Northern Virginia is led by Dr. Trang Vo-Nguyen (Dr. V), who is a board certified facial plastic surgeon. She provides state of the art surgical treatments to patients in and around Loudoun County, Fairfax County, Prince William County, Fauquier County, and Arlington County. Dr. V also appreciates the needs of patients who wish to reduce their facial signs of aging without plastic surgery. In such cases, she may recommend injectable cosmetic treatments such as Botox or Dysport.

Surgical vs Injectable Treatments

In some cases, the patient may be unsure whether to opt for facial plastic surgery or choose a minimally invasive injectable treatment such as Botox or Dysport. Dr. V will explain the pros and cons of both treatment options to the patient in detail in order to help them make an informed decision.

Outcomes with cosmetic surgery treatments such as facelift can be more comprehensive compared to Botox or Dysport. However, if the patient needs only minor improvements such as reduction of facial lines and wrinkles between the brows and reduction of crow’s feet around the eyes, it may not be necessary to opt for a surgery.

In some cases, the patient may not be prepared to undergo a surgery or may not be a fit candidate for surgical procedures. The next best option in such cases may be Botox or Dysport to reduce the signs of aging from the face and make the patient appear more youthful.

Dr. V may explain the difference of outcomes between surgery and injectable treatments to patients with the help of before and after images. Patients in Middleburg, Leesburg, Fairfax, Manassas, Warrenton, Arlington, and other surrounding areas may seek consultation with her for the best facial treatment options suited specifically in their case.

FDA Approved Injectable Treatments

Both Botox and Dysport are widely used injectable anti-aging treatments that can successfully reduce fine lines and wrinkles from the face. Botox was approved by the FDA in 2002 for cosmetic treatment of wrinkles and frown lines on the forehead. Dysport came up later as a treatment similar to Botox, and was also approved by the FDA in 2009 for same cosmetic purposes. Both treatments are based on botulinum neurotoxin, which temporarily paralyzes the overactive muscle on the face that is causing the wrinkle.

When the treatment is injected directly into the targeted muscle, the wrinkle will disappear immediately, and the effects may last for up to six months. Botox has recently been approved by the FDA for the cosmetic treatment of crow’s feet around the eyes. This has expanded the scope of treatment, and many more patients in and around Loudoun County, Fairfax County, Prince William County, Fauquier County, and Arlington County may now receive Botox treatment from Dr. V for the reduction of crow’s feet.

Before and After Images

Pre Botox & Dysport

Botox and DysportBotox and Dysport before and after photos








 Post Botox & Dysport

Botox and Dysport before and after photosBotox and Dysport before and after photos








Dr. V makes use of before and after photos to show the outcomes that a patient may be able to achieve with Botox or Dysport treatment. This helps the patient make an informed choice between facial surgery, injectable treatments, and other invasive and non-invasive procedures.

Each patient has unique aesthetic goals, which may be addressed with a particular treatment in the best possible way. If the patient is looking for more comprehensive and long-lasting results, and is ready and fit to undergo a surgery, a facelift surgery or brow lift or eyelid lift may be the recommended options.

However, if the patient is happy with temporary results that can be achieved with Botox or Dysport treatment, the surgeon may support the patient’s choice, and recommend the appropriate treatment option.

Apart from helping decide the choice of treatment, before and after images can also provide another key benefit. They can ensure that a patient has realistic expectations from the procedure, whether it is a surgery or an injectable treatment. When the patients have a clear idea of what to expect as an outcome, they will typically draw a higher satisfaction from the results.

Choice between Botox and Dysport

Each patient may have different preferences when it comes to the choice of treatment. Dr. V offers both Botox and Dysport treatment options, and explains their inherent benefits to help patients make the correct, independent decision. Since both treatments essentially work on the same principle of blocking nerve signals to the wrinkle-causing muscle, there is not much difference between the two options.

However, Dr. V will show before and after pictures of previous patients who have received either treatment so that the patient can make a comparison and opt for the most suitable treatment according to their needs.

For more infomation please contact Dr. V. Dr. Trang Thuy Vo-Nguyen, known to her patients as “Dr. V,” is a board certified facial plastic surgeon providing the latest surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures in Northern Virginia, Leesburg, Loudoun, Fairfax, Warrenton, Fauquier, Arlington, Manassas, Middleburg, Prince William, and other areas.



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Juvederm Voluma XC is Now Available at The Virginia Institute 

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  • Speed 4 – Professional – exclusive to professionals, prescriptive speed provides maximum cleansing benefits


December is a Great Time to Discover Dysport at a Savings of 50% for Treatments Scheduled Prior to December 31, 2013.  

 As you age, the years of smiling, laughing, frowning, and even yawning become evident in the areas around your mouth, on your forehead, and in the corners of your eyes. At The Virginia Institute, located in Chantilly, Virginia, Dysport® is a very popular procedure used to address these common cosmetic issues.  Click Here to Learn More

Call to Schedule Your Voluma or Dysport Treatment

Don’t wait! Call  

703-327-8200 to schedule

  your appointment today.


*Some restrictions apply, ask for details.  Offers expire December 31, 2013.  Limit one item per patient and offers may be pre-purchased for later use.  Offers good while supplies last or schedule permits.  Offers may not be combined with any other discounts, incentives or promotions.  Patients must be candidates for service, procedure or product as determined by Dr. Vo-Nguyen.

Contact Us Virginia Institute for Surgical Arts

South Riding Professional Square
25055 Riding Plaza, Suite #140
Chantilly, VA 20152
TEL: 703.327.8200

Limited Time


Purchase any combination of treatments

Filler ・ Sculptra ・ Injectables ・ Laser

to receive an exclusive Louis Vuitton gift.

Starting minimum purchase at $5,000

Beauty Collection

Limited Time


Purchase any combination of treatments

Filler ・ Sculptra ・ Injectables ・ Laser

to receive an exclusive Louis Vuitton gift.

Starting minimum purchase at $5,000

Beauty Collection